Was ist das TR-069 CPE-WAN-Management-Protokoll?
TR-069 Protocol Guide | Umfassender Überblick über TR-069 für ISPs und Dienstleister

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Laden Sie den neuen Broadband Forum Leitfaden für ISPs herunter: Umstellung von TR-069 auf TR-369 (USP)!
Dieses Whitepaper soll ISPs durch den Übergangsprozess führen und die Vorteile von TR-369, die Koexistenz beider Protokolle und strategische Ansätze für eine nahtlose Integration aufzeigen.

Introduction to TR-069 (CWMP)
TR-069, also known as the CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP), is a technical specification developed by the Broadband Forum (BBF). It is designed to facilitate the remote management and configuration of Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) by service providers. The protocol enables automatic configuration, software and firmware updates, and diagnostics of devices such as routers, modems, telephone adapters and set-top boxes. TR-069 operates over a network using HTTPS, ensuring secure communication between the CPE and an Auto Configuration Server (ACS). This automation reduces the need for manual intervention, thus enhancing service efficiency and reducing operational costs for service providers. By providing a standardized approach to device management, TR-069 helps in achieving a consistent service quality and quick deployment of services.
TR-069 Datenmodell
Datenmodelle werden verwendet, um die verschiedenen Funktionen und Fähigkeiten von WAN-verwaltbaren Geräten zu beschreiben. Auf diese datengesteuerten Beschreibungen kann mit Hilfe von TR-069 Amendment 6 zugegriffen werden, das von Broadband Forum bereitgestellt wird. Darin sind mehrere Modellobjekte definiert, die Parameter für jeden Gerätetyp oder Dienst enthalten und eine effektivere Verwaltung über CWMP ermöglichen.
Ein TR-069-Datenmodell stellt Daten in XML dar und verwendet ein XML-Schema zur Definition der Datenelemente und ihrer Beziehungen. TR-069-Datenmodelle können mehreren Zwecken dienen, z. B. dem Austausch von Daten zwischen Geräten, der Speicherung von Daten in einer Datenbank oder der Bereitstellung einer Webschnittstelle für Daten. Sie werden häufig in Netzwerkmanagementsystemen verwendet, um Administratoren die Möglichkeit zu geben, Daten auf Geräten aus der Ferne anzuzeigen und zu ändern.
Die TR-069-Spezifikation umfasst mehrere Standard-Datenmodelle für häufig verwendete Gerätedaten, wie Systemkonfiguration, WiFi-Einstellungen und Gerätestatus. Darüber hinaus können Hersteller benutzerdefinierte Datenmodelle erstellen, um andere Gerätedaten darzustellen, die sie über das TR-069-Protokoll verfügbar machen möchten.
TR-069 Server
A TR-069 server, or the Auto Configuration Server (ACS), is a software application that enables service providers and equipment manufacturers to remotely manage, configure, and update their customers' network-connected devices.
TR-069-Server sind sowohl für Dienstanbieter als auch für Gerätehersteller von entscheidender Bedeutung, da sie eine einfache und effiziente Möglichkeit bieten, viele Geräte aus der Ferne zu verwalten. Mit einem TR-069-Server können Dienstanbieter schnell neue Geräte konfigurieren, Firmware aktualisieren und Probleme beheben, ohne einen Techniker zum Kunden schicken zu müssen. In ähnlicher Weise verwenden Gerätehersteller TR-069-Clients, um ihre Geräte für die standardisierte Fernverwaltung zu aktivieren.
The CWMP defines how devices communicate over networks, allowing them to send data and receive commands from the Auto Configuration Server.
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We’re happily sharing our expertise and the software built on it with our valued customers to give them a competitive edge. Learn more about how AXACT offers the most efficient and effective approach to make devices manageable via USP and TR-069.
How Does TR-069 Work?
TR-069 is a technical specification designed to manage Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) connected to an IP network, where the CPE acts as the client, and the Auto Configuration Server (ACS) acts as the server. The CPE connects to the ACS, allowing it to drive the sought after use cases like automatic provisioning, monitoring, and management of CPEs by executing a workflow of remote procedure calls. Typical workflows consist of individual tasks to send configuration changes, retrieve or verify data, collect performance metrics, or apply firmware updates. In order to do this, the protocol provides a set of so called Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) and the all data exchange is harmonized by the use of a so called data model which defines structure, types and restrictions accessible by the ACS. The BBF provides a set of constantly updated data models (TR-181, TR-104, TR-135, TR-140, etc.) for various common use cases, which provides interoperability between CPE and ACS from different vendors. The same data models are also used by the successor protocol USP (or TR-369).
To start a TR-069 session, the device connects to a pre-configured or discovered ACS over a public network via HTTPS. In order to authenticate the communication, various protocol mechanisms such as client certificates or username/password are available but often operators also use external options such as dedicated secure communication channels or network port based customer identification.
A TR-069 session can be triggered by the ACS or occur on a scheduled basis but is always initiated by the CPE.
Upon connection, the device sends an a Inform RPC to the ACS, indicating its current status and readiness for management. In return, the ACS will record the updated information in the database and check for pending workflows, such as configuration updates, information retrieval, firmware installation, or diagnostic requests to be executed and will attempt to drive them to completion within the established session.
TR-069 is a robust protocol designed to enable service providers to remotely manage customer equipment. It can be implemented securely but that requires careful attention to detail as well as careful planning and implementation by experts.
It is of utmost importance that data privacy laws and regulations are upheld, meaning that access is authorized by informed customers and limited to the minimum amount of data needed by the operator to implement the defined use cases.
Additional security measures, such as device certificates and individual credentials can help to provide some protection against data breaches, but potential risks such as unauthorized access, data interception, and implementation vulnerabilities still do exist if the protocol is not properly implemented or configured. To mitigate these threats, network interlocked robust authentication and encryption mechanisms should be implemented and regular security audits conducted. Firewall rules, VPNs, and frequent software updates also play a crucial role in maintaining security and safeguarding against evolving threats.
Since 2018, the BBF has been publishing the specification of a successor standard: TR-369 or USP.
TR-069 and TR-369/USP are both protocols developed for managing customer devices, but TR-369 offers significant improvements over TR-069. While TR-069 started with a focus on basic device management and service provisioning, later enhanced with some limited monitoring capabilities, TR-369 was designed from the ground up to build on the ideas of TR-069 but using a modern foundation to meet the high demands of modern and complex networks.
TR-369 improves scalability, security, and real-time communication, enabling better integration across heterogeneous platforms. Both protocols aim to streamline device management, but TR-369 offers greater flexibility and is better suited for future-proof network solutions, making it ideal for evolving network environments.
For a more in-depth understanding of TR-369/USP and its benefits, explore our comprehensive
TR-369/USP Knowledge Base.
TR-069 Use Cases
Bereitstellung komplexer Dienste
Bereitstellung von Multi-Play-Diensten
SIP- und VoIP-Provisioning
Quality of Experience Management (QoE)
Bessere Entscheidungsfindung durch
Analytik und BerichterstattungProaktive Problemlösung
Informationen zur Bandbreitennutzung
Verwaltung von Geräten aller Art
Einfache xDSL-Remote-Gateways (RG)
Set-Top-Boxen (STBs) neben der RG
Kabel-RGs und Fttx ONTs oder
Auch komplexe Business-Router (BR)
Southbound Interoperability
Herstellerunabhängige Verwaltung
von TR-069-fähigen GerätenUnterstützung von Multivendor-Gerätestrategien
Integration der Altdatenbasis von Nicht-TR-069-Geräten
Heterogene Zugangsumgebungen
xDSL und Fttx
Kabel und Satellit
WiMAX oder
Northbound Integration von OSS/BSS
Policies oder
Auftragsverwaltungssysteme zur Ermöglichung einer End-to-End-Dienstleistung
Unsere OoE-basierten Produkte
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